09 December 2013

Recap 2013/Bilan 2013 de Cupcake Camp Paris IV

It was a bright and blustery day when Cupcake Camp Paris rolled back into town for its 4th edition.  Inside Café A, the air was filled with scents of chocolate, rose, fleur d’oranger, peanut butter and much more as the bakers showed off their wares.  We are grateful to the 60+ bakers, both professionals and amateurs, who supported the event this year – they baked over 1800 cupcakes and helped us raise around 4,400 euros for the charity Make a Wish France.  Their creations were both tasty and beautiful. We couldn’t help but notice the look of contentment on the faces of many attendees who indulged in their purchases while walking around taking it all in.

We were delighted to see so many familiar faces – both bakers and attendees -- many of whom have been present for the 4 consecutive editions of Cupcake Camp Paris! 

This year, bakers had the choice of 4 different contests to compete in.  By 2PM, when the contests started, the tables were filled with dozens of culinary works of art while the crowd eagerly awaited the judges’ decisions.  Congratulations to the winners:  Caroline for her Roi Soleil cupcakes (Best Cupcake Inspired by a Famous Moment in French History), Sofiane for his Pumpkin cupcakes (Best Autumn-Themed Cupcake), Soria for her Istambul-inspired rose-pistachio cupcakes (Best Cupcake Made with the Most Exotic Ingredient) and Berenice for her ginger-honey-lemon cupcakes (Best Cupcake Made with a Root Vegetable).

19 November 2013

Tenter votre chance ! Win a prize !

Cupcake Camp Paris is about cupcakes for a cause, but we’re also about community! Over the years, we have developed great relationships with local vendors and businesses, and this year we are excited to have even more jump on board.

They participate by offering gifts for our raffle (or tombola) that helps raise extra money. Each ticket that you use to try to win a prize is an extra euro for Make a Wish, so don’t hesitate to play as much as you want.

This year, we have some amazing gifts (see our sponsors pages for all gift donors). There are some high value prizes that will be harder to win, but still plenty of gifts overall! So what can you expect at the prize table? Read on (français en bas!)....

15 November 2013

Prices and Tarifs 2013!

It’s time to talk shop for Cupcake Camp Paris IV. The event is just a few days away and we want you to know about entry options this year so you and your friends can plan on how many cupcakes you want to purchase. As always, all of the proceeds will be going to Make a Wish, a charity that very much appreciates your generous donations.

For the normal entry, this year the tariff will be 15 euros, which includes tickets for all of the following:
3 tickets for cupcakes
1 raffle ticket
1 box (for up to 6 cupcakes)
1 soft drink at the bar (café, thé, chocolat chaud, etc.)


For the VIP entry through COlunching, sign up ahead of time and for 20 euros you’ll get the following:
4 cupcakes
1 box (for up to 6 cupcakes)
1 bag to transport your cakes courtesy of Cake&Bake
1 raffle ticket
1 soft drink at the bar (café, thé, chocolat chaud, etc.)
VIP access to cut the line once we check your name off the list

As usual, tickets for additional cupcakes and raffle tickets will be available once inside.

Think about it, a cupcake costs up to 4.50 euros at most Parisian boutiques, and a hot chocolate could set you back another 4-5 euros in a café. Already, for the 15 euro offer you will be winning big, and to have the box on top of that and a ticket to win prizes that could be up to a 150 euro value, well, you do the math :) And for 5 euros extra, you can cut the line and have an additional cupcake!!!

We hope to see you all soon to eat all of the cupcakes that we’ll be showing off!

Il est temps de parler des détails pour Cupcake Camp Paris IV. L'événement est à seulement quelques jours et nous voulons que vous sachiez sur les options d'entrée cette année, afin que vous et vos amis puissiez planifier le nombre de cupcakes que vous souhaitez acheter. Comme toujours, tous les fonds récoltés seront versé à Make a Wish, une association qui apprécie beaucoup vos généreux dons.

Pour l'entrée normale, cette année, le tarif sera de 15 euros, ce qui comprend les tickets pour tous les éléments suivants:
3 cupcakes
1 ticket de tombola
1 boîte (pour un maximum de 6 cupcakes)
1 boisson non alcoolisée au bar (café, thé, chocolat chaud, etc.)


Pour l'entrée VIP à travers Colunching, inscrivez-vous maintenant et pour 20 euros, vous obtiendrez ce qui suit:
4 tickets échangeables pour 4 cupcakes
1 boîte pour les protéger
1 sac pour les transporter grace à Cake&Bake
1 tickets pour la tombola
1 boisson non alcoolisée au bar (café, thé, chocolat chaud, etc.)
Possibilité de sécher la queue afin d’être parmi les premiers à choisir vos cupcakes. Présentez-vous à la caisse et on va vous trouver sur la liste.

Comme d’habitude, vous pouvez acheter des tickets supplémentaires dès que vous êtes dedans.

Considérons ensemble, un cupcake coute jusqu’à 4,50 euros dans les boutiques parisiennes, et un chocolat chaud pourrait vous coûter encore 4-5 euros dans un café. Déjà, pour 15 euros constituent vous serez seuil de rentabilité, et d'avoir la boîte en plus de cela et un ticket de gagner des prix qui pourraient aller jusqu'à une valeur de 150 euros, eh bien, vous faites le calcul :) Et pour 5 euros en plus de don à l’association, vous pouvez sécher la queue et avoir un cupcake en plus!!!!

Nous espérons vous voir nombreux cette année pour manger tous les cupcakes qu’on va exposer !

22 October 2013

Les Concours

Chaque année, nous proposons des concours aux patissiers qui veulent participer en montrant leur creativité, leur passion et leurs dons patissiers à nos juges et au publique. Les concours ne sont pas obligatoires -- ils sont vraiment crées pour le plaisir et de mettre en valeur le cupcake!

Cette année, il y a aura 4 concours. Si vous souhaitez vous inscrire, cliquez sur le titre de chaque concours ci-aprés pour vous rendre a la page d'incsription. Il faut vous inscrire pour chaque concours dans lequel vous souhaitez participer:

1) Le Meilleur Cupcake Inspiré Par L'Automne

2) Un Evénement de l'Histore de France Célèbre Illustré par un Cupcake

3) Le Meilleur Cupcake avec un/des Ingredient(s) Le(s) Plus Exotique(s)/Inattendu(s)

4) Le Meilleur Cupcake Péparé avec un Légume-Racine


Each year, we create contests for the bakers who wish to participate while demonstrating their creativity, their passion and their culinary gifts to the judges and the public. The contests are not obligatory -- they are created for fun and to show off what is possible with the humble cupcake!

This year, we have created 4 contests. If you would like to register, please click on the title of the contest below to be taken to the registration page. Note, you will need to sign up for each contest you wish to participate in:

1) Best Autumn-Themed Cupcake

2) A Famous Event in French History as Illustrated by a Cupcake

3) Cupcake with the Most Exotic/Unexpected Ingredients

4) Best Cupcake Made with a Root Vegetable

Photo Credit: Madame Meow

17 October 2013

Baker Registration/Inscription des Patissiers

L'INSCRIPTION POUR LES PATISSIERS EST DESORMAIS OUVERTE!!! Les patissiers de tout calibre sont bienvenus -- du professionnel au génie créatif, en passant par l’enthousiaste débutant.

BAKER REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!! We encourage everyone who wants to bring to cupcakes, regardless of your baking level -- from the enthusiast to the pro -- to do so!!!

Photo Credit: Bryan Birdwell

16 October 2013

RSVP Pour/For Cupcake Camp Paris IV

Et voila voila, la nouvelle affiche pour la 4eme edition de Cupcake Camp Paris! Un grand merci a Christina Smith de Big Fat Geek Wedding pour avoir crée cette belle affiche. Et nous remercions egalement toutes nos partenaires pour leur soutien!

Si vous souhaiter assister a Cupcake Camp Paris IV, n'hesitez pas de confirmer votre presence sur la page facebook de l'evenement. Nous inviterons tres bientot les patissiers qui souhaitent fabriquer des cupcakes pour le 24 novembre de s'inscrire -- les details bientot!


And here it is, the poster for the 4th edition of Cupcake Camp Paris. We'd like to thank Christina Smith of Big Fat Geek Wedding for creating this beautiful poster for us! And we'd also like to thank our sponsors for their support!

If you'd like to attend Cupcake Camp Paris IV, please RSVP on our facebook page for the event. We will very soon invite all the bakers who wish to make cupcakes on November 24th to sign up -- the details are coming soon!

02 October 2013

Last Call for Sponsors!

Cupcake Camp Paris 4 is coming up this November! Check back soon for baker registration and info on the contests – if you want to participate in them! Otherwise, prepare to bake, prepare to come consume cupcakes, and prepare to have an amazing time!
But let us not forget that it is a charity event. We are still looking for business donors, gift donors, and even donations from YOU the participants. 
If you’d like to give a little money to the cause, which is 100% not for profit, let us know. All donations are tax deductible with a receipt furnished by Make a Wish. Spread the word and give a little to help us make this most successful camp yet!
Take a look at Make a Wish France’s site to check out the good they are doing for sick children in the Hexagon.

Email cupcakecamparis@yahoo.com for more info!
Cupcake Camp Paris 4 arrive bientôt en novembre! Revenez bientôt pour l’enregistrement des pâtissiers et lrd informations sur les concours - si vous souhaitez y participer! Sinon, préparez-vous à faire des gateaux, préparez-vous à consommer des cupcakes, et se préparer à s’amuser bien ensemble!


Mais n'oublions pas qu'il s'agit d'un événement de charité. Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de sponsors de fonds des entreprises, des cadeaux, et même des dons de votre part les participants. 
Si vous souhaitez donner un peu d'argent pour la cause, qui est de 100% à but non lucratif, nous l’accepterons avec gratitude. Tous les dons sont déductibles d'impôt avec une lettre fournie par Make a Wish. Partagez ces infos et donnez un peu pour nous aider à faire encore ce camp un succès énorme!
Cliquer sur le site de Make a Wish France à voir le bien qu'ils font pour les enfants malades dans l'Hexagone.

Email cupcakecamparis@yahoo.com pour plus d'info!

02 August 2013

CCP4 on November 24th at Café A

Start heating up your ovens – Cupcake Camp Paris 4 is coming this November! We’ll be holding the event at Café A, (like them on Facebook!) just between the Canal St-Martin and the Gare de l’Est on Sunday, November 24th. Mark your calendars!!! 
We’ll be in touch after les vacances about volunteers, bakers, prizes, and how to participate. We are super excited to be hosting this event again and, as in previous years, all proceeds will be donated to the Make a Wish Foundation to help make the dreams of ill French children come true.
Start thinking up some fun recipes for this fall’s event if you want to bake, or just get ready to come hungry for an afternoon of delicious fun and a worthwhile cause!
Chauffez vos fours - Cupcake Camp Paris 4 arrivera en Novembre! L’événement aura lieu au Café A, (likez sur Facebook!) entre le Canal St-Martin et la Gare de l'Est le dimanche 24 novembre. A noter dans vos agendas!
Nous serons en contact après les vacances pour parler des bénévoles, des pâtissiers, des prix, et comment y participer. Nous sommes hyper heureux de relancer cet événement et, comme les années précédentes, tous les bénéfices seront reversés à la fondationMake a Wish pour aider à réaliser les rêves d'enfants français malades.
Commencez à penser aux recettes rigolotes pour l'événement de cet automne si vous voulez faire des cupcakes, ou tout simplement se préparer à avoir faim pour un après-midi de plaisir délicieux qui soutient une bonne cause!

I think we'll need more cupcakes...

09 July 2013

Cupcake Camp Paris IV !!!

It’s that time of the year again! While the summer is heating up, we’re working on bringing you the fourth (YES, 4th!) edition of our favorite charity event, Cupcake Camp Paris.
Last year’s event was a huge success and we are so grateful for the support that everyone has brought out to help our cause, the Make a Wish Foundation France. This year we are looking to raise even more money to help make French children’s dreams come true.
To do that, we need help yet again. This 100% non-profit event is looking for sponsors, gift-donations, bakers (anyone can join!) and of course volunteers to help make the day go as smoothly as possible. Let us know if you’re interested in helping us.
And most importantly, we need a venue. We are incredibly grateful for the support that Le Comptoir Général has given us over these past two years, but because of the amount of people who showed up last year, we need to think bigger.
If you have a space or an idea of a space that might work to help welcome all of our cupcake bakers and buyers, do let us know in the comments or send us an email at cupcakecampparis@yahoo.com.
We’re looking to fix a date in November one we have a venue settled, so stay tuned!
Cat and Bryan