Cupcake Lovers, we are close! We are so close! We owe you an announcement regarding the date and location of Cupcake Camp Paris II and we thank you for your patience. We have a location reserved and are just trying to get the final details ironed out. It will be soon. We promise!
In the meantime, we have secured financial commitments from the following companies: Sainte Lucie, Scarlett's Bakery, and Sugar Daze (Thank you!). We are looking for additional sponsors to help us cover the costs of running Cupcake Camp Paris II. If you are interested, please contact us on cucpakecampparis(at)yahoo(dot)com.
See you soon....very soon!
Nous sommes proches! Tres proches! Des détails vous seront transmis sous peu concernant le date/lieu de Cupcake Camp Paris II. Nous avons reserve un lieu et maintenant il faut juste finaliser quelques petites choses.
On a confirme la participation de quelques societes comme partenaires officiels de Cupcake Camp Paris II: Sainte Lucie, Scarlett's Bakery, and Sugar Daze (Merci!). Si vous êtes intéressé par cette opportunité, n'hesitez pas de nous contacter sur cucpakecampparis(arobas)yahoo(point)com.
A bientot....tres bientot!
Photo Credit: Sifu Renka
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