Just a quick thank you to everyone who participated yesterday. Cupcake Camp Paris II was a SUCCESS! We welcomed about 500 people, sold over 2600 cupcakes and raised close to 6000 euros!
There are a lot of people to thank and we will post a longer note later. But wanted to publicly announce the contest winners:
Marie Grave won Best Fall Inspired Cupcake with her Apple, Nut and Maple Syrup cupcakes.

Rose of Rose and Cook won Most Unusal Ingredient with her Vitelotte Potato and Violet Syrup cupcake.

And the big winner of the day, Rahima Mohammad a/k/a Fairy Cooker, won not only Most Parisian Cupcake and The Make a Wish contest, but she also won Best in Show.

Congratulations, ladies and thanks again! We'd also like to thank our judges: Sylvie of Scarlett's Bakery, Jane and olivier of La Cuisine Paris, Lindsey of Lost in Cheeseland and Lola's Cookies, Blogger and cookbook author Dorian Nieto and his writing partner Birgit Dahl Stern, Joannah of Cupcakeista, Elo of Elo Les Cupcakes, Alisa of Sweet Pea Baking, Heather of Secrets of Paris and our guest of honor: Dorothee of Make a Wish France, and Gaelle Ma Peste Adorée for the donation of the contest prizes.
Un petit mot pour vous remercier tous de votre participation hier. Cupcake Camp Paris II etait un enorme succes! Nous avons accueilli près de 500 personnes, vendu plus de 2600 cupcakes et ensemble, nous avons récolté près de 6000€!
On publiera un billet plus detaille dans la semaine; voici les gagnantes de nos concours:
Marie Grave a gagné le concours Cupcake Inspiré par l'Automne avec ses cupcakes Pomme, Noix et Erable.

Rose de Rose and Cook a gagné le concours L'Ingredient le Plus Inattendu avec ses cupcakes violets non pas aux myrtilles mais... à la pomme de terre Vitelotte, avec un soupçon de violette.

Et LA gagnante du jour: Rahima Mohammad a/k/a Fairy Cooker, qui a gagne non seulement les deux concours Ma Reve Realisé avec ses cupcakes Venitiens et le concours Cupcake Le Plus Parisiens avec ses cupcakes chocolats avec Tour Eiffel, mais aussi le Premier Prix!

Felicitations les filles! Un grand merci aussi à nos juges: Sylvie de Scarlett's Bakery, Jane et Olivier de La Cuisine Paris, Lindsey de Lost in Cheeseland & Lola's Cookies, Blogger et auteur des livres de recettes Dorian Nieto et son co-autuer Birgit Dahl Stern, Joannah de Cupcakeista, Elo de Elo Les Cupcakes, Alisa de Sweet Pea Baking, Heather de Secrets of Paris et notre invité d'honneur: Dorothee de Make a Wish France, et à Gaelle de Ma Peste Adorée qui nous a offert les prix pour les concours!
Merci à Sophie Pagan, Lindsey Tramuta et Joannah Commere pour les photos.
The Apple/Nut winner was really yummy, I picked up one of these in my box of 4 and it was definitely the best one.
ReplyDeleteI wish these could be available and "buyable" but maybe my hopes have no chance to be fulfilled...