30 October 2012
Cupcake Camp Paris III - The Aftermath/Le Bilan
You came. You saw. You cupcaked! We were so excited to bring Cupcake Camp back to Paris for its 3rd edition and judging by the line around the block, you were too. It was an amazing day. We raised a lot of money for Make A Wish France and we are very grateful for your enthusiasm and support. We'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who participated: - from the bakers who donated approximately 2000 delicious and beautifully presented cupcakes, - to the almost 600 cupcake loving attendees, - to our hard-working volunteers without whom the event would not have run so smoothly: Ivy, Carole, Stephanie, Laila, Benoit, Melanie, Venata, Tess, Dom, Megan, Heartleigh, Niamh, Zoe, Jean-Francois, and Lisa. And of course a huge thank you to our sponsors who pitched in a significant amount of financial support: COlunching, Context Travel, La Cuisine Paris, Beauty Cakes, Cake & Bake, Cupcake Lovers in Paris, O Chateau, Bleekcup's, Sweetly Cakes, Paris Pastry, and Sugar Daze. We'd also like to thank all of the companies who provided amazing gifts for our tombola: O Chateau, CityCake.fr, Kasia Dietz Bags, Fairy Cooker, Cake & Bake, Sugar Daze, Beauty Cakes, Prête-Moi Paris and Lauren Cashwell, Les Biscottes, Once Upon a Cake, Cake Design Magazine, Yoko Design, Hard Rock Cafe, Yoga Concept, Amy Plum, Paris Pastry, and David Lebovitz. And let's not forget our judges: Ruthy of Beauty Cakes, Livy of La Lettre Gourmande, Camille of Make A Wish, Rose of Rose & Cook, Fred of COlunching, Paul of Cake & Bake, Lily of Context Travel, Sasha of Savoir Faire, and Roxanne of Cake Design France Magazine. Congratulations to our winners: Fairy Cooker, Fais-Moi Croquer and Cake, Cook & Co. We are very pleased to announce that thanks to your generosity, we collected a little over 5,500 euros at yesterday's event, bringing our total to almost 15,000 euros generated at the 3 Cupcake Camp Paris editions (2010, 2011 & 2012)!!! That's a lot of dough!!!! As a reminder, our charity this year was Make A Wish France - we are so very happy to be able to support this association and the wonderful work they do. Thank you again everyone who made this event possible - we hope you had just as much fun as we did and are recovering from your cupcake-induced comas! Much love and cupcake kisses, Cat & Bryan For more pictures, please visit our flickr group. For Cupcake Camp Paris news, follow us on facebook. /// Vous êtes venus. Vous avez vu. Vous avec cupcaké! Nous étions trop contents de continuer Cupcake Camp à Paris pour sa 3e édition et par la ligne autour du bloc, vous étiez trop contents aussi. Ce fut une journée incroyable. Nous avons récolté beaucoup d'argent pour Make a Wish France et nous sommes très reconnaissants pour votre enthousiasme et votre soutien. Nous aimerions prendre un moment pour remercier tous ceux qui ont participé y compris: - les pâtissiers qui ont fait don de presque 2000 petits gâteaux délicieux et joliment présentés, - à près de 600 fans de cupcakes, - à nos vaillants bénévoles sans qui l'événement n'aurait pas bien déroulé: Ivy, Carole, Stéphanie, Laila, Benoit, Mélanie, Venata, Tess, Dom, Megan, Heartleigh, Niamh, Zoé, Jean-François et Lisa. Il faut remercier surtout nos sponsors qui ont donné un soutien financier indispensable: Colunching, Context Travel, La Cuisine Paris, Beauty Cakes, Cake & Bake, Cupcake Lovers in Paris, O Château, Bleekcup’s, Sweetly Cakes, Paris Pastry, et Sugar Daze. \ Nous aimerions également remercier toutes les entreprises qui ont fourni des cadeaux incroyables pour notre tombola : O Chateau, CityCake.fr, Kasia Dietz Bags, Fairy Cooker, Cake & Bake, Sugar Daze, Beauty Cakes, Prête-Moi Paris and Lauren Cashwell, Les Biscottes, Once Upon a Cake, Cake Design Magazine, Yoko Design, Hard Rock Cafe, Yoga Concept, Amy Plum, Paris Pastry, and David Lebovitz. Et n'oublions pas nos juges: Ruthy de Beauty Cakes, Livy de La Lettre Gourmande, Camille of Make A Wish, Rose of Rose & Cook, Fred of COlunching, Paul de Cake & Bake, Lily de Context Travel, Sasha de Savoir Faire, et Roxanne de Cake Design France Magazine. Félicitions aux gagnants des concours: Fairy Cooker, Fais-Moi Croquer et Cake, Cook & Co. Nous sommes très heureux d'annoncer que grâce à votre générosité, nous avons récolté un peu plus de 5.500 euros samedi, portant le total à presque 15.000 euros générés lors de la 3 Cupcake Camp Paris éditions (2010, 2011 et 2012)! Cela fait beaucoup de fric!! Pour rappel, notre association cette année est Make a Wish France - nous sommes très heureux d'être en mesure de soutenir cette association et le merveilleux travail qu'ils font. Nous vous remercions encore une fois tous ceux qui ont rendu cet événement possible - nous l'espérons, vous vous êtes amusés autant que nous et que vous vous etes reposé un peu après les comas de sucre induits par les cupcakes ! Bisous et bises de cupcakes, Cat et Bryan Pour plus de photos, voir notre groupe sur flickr. Pour avoir les actualités de Cupcake Camp Paris, suivez-nous sur facebook. Photos: Richard Beban of Paris Play, Supermom in the Kitchen, Fairy Cooker
19 October 2012
A Word from Our Sponsors: Context Travel
Context Travel has joined with Cupcake Camp Paris
as an official sponsor this year. The
head of their Paris office, Lily Heise, answered a few questions about Context’s
participation this year.
CC: So what’s your favorite pastry in Paris?
LH: Paris-Brest.
CC: Your favorite cupcake flavor?
LH: Chocolate with caramel beurre salee icing.
CC: Any particular reason why?
LH: A good mix of sweet and savory.
CC: What's more important, the icing or the
LH: This is a tough call! I'm Canadian, we're
allowed to be indecisive! But if I have to choose, I would go for icing.
CC: Why are you participating in Cupcake Camp
LH: I think it's always important to support
events that get many people involved in a creative way to help an excellent
15 October 2012
A Word from Our Sponsors: Yoga Concept
Pamela Levy has partnered with Cupcake Camp Paris this year to donate some
wonderful prizes for the raffle, which we hope will generate some serious dough
for Make a Wish. Her shop in the Upper
Marais, Yoga Concept, features all sorts of products useful for any type of
yogi. It’s a great way to exercise after
a few too many cupcakes…
asked Pamela a few questions to pick her brain a bit.
So what’s your favorite pastry in Paris?
My favorite pastry is the lemon tarte from Ladurée.
Your favorite cupcake flavor?
Any particular reason why?
It’s yummy!
CC: What's
more important, the icing or the cake?
The icing draws you in but the cake needs to taste good.
Libellés :
Cupcake Camp Paris 3,
04 October 2012
A Word from Our Sponsors: La Cuisine
If you ever need to learn how to cook something in France, La Cuisine is the place to do it. Learn how to make baguettes and croissants or tour the local market before prepping lunch. Offering English-speaking culinary experiences in and around their cooking school in the Marais, Jane and Olivier, long-time Cupcake Camp sponsors, dish on their favorite sweets:
CC: So what’s your favorite pastry in Paris?
LC: Paris Brest….love choux, and love pralines.
CC: Your favorite cupcake flavor?
LC: Just a plain vanilla done really well is alright by us….but love carrot cake, so package that in a miniature size with a great frosting and life is good.
CC: Any particular reason why?
LC: Just like simple. Something simple done really well can often be the most challenging!
Libellés :
Cupcake Camp Paris 3,
La Cuisine Paris,
30 September 2012
Contest Registration/Inscription pour les Concours
Bakers, are you ready for the contest themes? We are so excited to see what you come up with this year!!! We are still in the midst of lining up our judges but you will definitely see some familiar faces if you have participated in our contests before. Here is what you need to know if you plan on participating in a contest this year:
You must supply at least 12 regular sized cupcakes for each contest you are entering (several will be presented to the judges and any remaining cupcakes will be distributed to the crowd).
The contests will begin at 1:30PM promptly. Please arrive roughly 10-15 minutes beforehand; if you are not on time, we will be unable to judge your cupcakes. Winners will be announced at the opening of Cupcake Camp around 3:30 PM.
You must sign up if you want to compete in a contest. Limit 2 contests per baker please. Follow the links below to sign up:
Most Horrifying, Halloween-Inspired Cupcake
Best Parisian Cupcake
Cupcake with the Most Exotic/Unusual Ingredient
Best Spirit (made with alcohol) Infused Cupcake
You will receive an email about 1 week before Cupcake Camp Paris III confirming your registration and providing additional details about the contest. Okay, let's get ready to rumble.......
Les patissiers, vous etes prets pour les themes de concours? Nous sommes impatients de vous retrouver au Cupcake Camp avec vos belles creations! Nous sommes toujours en train de finaliser la liste de juges mais il y aura certainement ceux qui vous reconnaissez des editions precedentes.
Quelques infos sur les concours...Il faut faire au moins 12 cupcakes de taille normale pour chaque concours pour lequel vous allez vous inscrire (dont quelques uns pour les juges et les autres vont etre distribues aux participants de Cupcake Camp).
Les concours commenceront à 13H30 précis (arrivez 10-15 minutes en avance SVP). Il faut etre a l'heure sinon on ne peux pas assurer votre participation. Les gagnant(e)s seront annoncé(e)s lors de l'ouverture de Cupcake Camp vers 15H30.
Il faut s'inscrire en avance pour les concours en suivant les liens dessous (limite 2 concours par patissier):
Le Cupcake Le Plus Effrayant, Inspiré par Halloween
Le Cupcake Le Plus Parisien
L'Ingredient Le Plus Inattendu/Le Parfum Le Plus Exotique
Meilleur Cupcake Infusé à L'Alcool
Environ une semaine avant Cupcake Camp Paris III, vous allez recevoir un email avec la confirmation de votre participation et quelques derniers details. 1, 2, 3 c'est partiiiiiii.....
Photo: Sugar Daze
29 September 2012
A Word from Our Sponsors: COlunching.com

Let’s hear what Fred, and his avowed sweet tooth, think about cupcakes...
CC: So what is your favorite pastry in Paris (or
France) that’s not the cupcake (if there is one!)?
Pierre Hermé macaron Mogador ... (Bakery Magnolia whoopie cookie and
mini cupcakes when in NY!).
CC: Your favorite cupcake flavor?
FD: Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate
CC: Why?
FD: Because it is my favorite "fruit."
CC: What is more important to you, icing or the
FD: The tastes have to match the looks, but the
icing because it’s sweeter!
24 September 2012
A Word from Our Sponsors: Kasia Dietz Bags
This year, yet again, Paris-based designer Kasia Dietz will
be bringing a special creation as a prize for the 3rd edition of
Cupcake Camp Paris! We thought we’d take
a moment to ask Kasia a few questions about cupcakes, Cupcake Camp, and what
kind of bag she’ll be donating this year!
KD: Le macaron.
CC: Your favorite cupcake flavor?
CC: Your favorite cupcake flavor?
KD: Red Velvet with vanilla icing.
CC: Any particular reason why?
CC: Any particular reason why?
KD: Just the right amount of decadence.
CC: What's more important, the icing or the cake?
CC: What's more important, the icing or the cake?
KD: Definitely the icing!
19 September 2012
Cupcake Camp VIP Entry Pack with COlunching.com
year, as a sponsor, the dining network site COlunching.com will graciously be helping raise money yet again for Cupcake Camp Paris. By signing up on
the site for the event “COCupcaking at Cupcake Camp,” participants can benefit
from the VIP entry pack available for October 27th.
best part is that for your prepayment of 12.50 €, COlunching will match your
contribution, so for each VIP member 25€ will be donated to Make
a Wish.
The VIP pack includes an empty cupcake box and 4 tickets you can exchange for 4 cupcakes among the hundreds available. You’ll also get 1 ticket for the raffle - winners can enter to win one of dozens of donated prizes like a walking tour led by a professional anywhere in Europe from Context Travel, a wine tasting at OCheateau, or a hand-crafted bag from Kasia Dietz.
Most importantly, you can have access to the cupcakes 30 minutes before the event opens to the public, giving you first crack at the cupcakes. If you want to come later, there will also be a VIP express line that lets you enter immediately with your box ready to be filled. Some great perks!
Entry to Cupcake Camp Paris is free -- come on in, browse, have a drink if you'd like. If you want to eat cupcakes though or participate in the raffle, you must buy either the VIP Pack through COlunching.com or purchase a welcome pack at the door. We will be offering 2 different welcome packs inside Le Comptoir General: silver or bronze.
The VIP pack includes an empty cupcake box and 4 tickets you can exchange for 4 cupcakes among the hundreds available. You’ll also get 1 ticket for the raffle - winners can enter to win one of dozens of donated prizes like a walking tour led by a professional anywhere in Europe from Context Travel, a wine tasting at OCheateau, or a hand-crafted bag from Kasia Dietz.
Most importantly, you can have access to the cupcakes 30 minutes before the event opens to the public, giving you first crack at the cupcakes. If you want to come later, there will also be a VIP express line that lets you enter immediately with your box ready to be filled. Some great perks!
Entry to Cupcake Camp Paris is free -- come on in, browse, have a drink if you'd like. If you want to eat cupcakes though or participate in the raffle, you must buy either the VIP Pack through COlunching.com or purchase a welcome pack at the door. We will be offering 2 different welcome packs inside Le Comptoir General: silver or bronze.
14 September 2012
It's here - Our Cupcake Camp Paris III poster is finished and ready to print! Thanks to Christina Smith for the fabulous design! If you haven't guessed Cupcake Camp Paris III is going to be a special Halloween edition and we encourage attendees to dress up in their scariest costumes.
If you haven't RSVPed yet, click this link.
And if you would like to attend as a baker, you need to sign up here.
Et volia -- l'affiche pour Cupcake Camp Paris III. Merci a Christina Smith qui nous a crée ce chef-d'œuvre! Si vous n'avez pas rendu compte deja, Cupcake Camp Paris III sera une edition speciale Halloween! Donc, on demande aux participants de se rendre au Comptoir Generale habiller dans leurs deguisements les plus effrayants!
Si vous souhaitez assister, SVP RSVP ici.
Si vous voulez nous apporter des cupcakes, l'enregistrement de patissiers est par ici.
If you haven't RSVPed yet, click this link.
And if you would like to attend as a baker, you need to sign up here.
Et volia -- l'affiche pour Cupcake Camp Paris III. Merci a Christina Smith qui nous a crée ce chef-d'œuvre! Si vous n'avez pas rendu compte deja, Cupcake Camp Paris III sera une edition speciale Halloween! Donc, on demande aux participants de se rendre au Comptoir Generale habiller dans leurs deguisements les plus effrayants!
Si vous souhaitez assister, SVP RSVP ici.
Si vous voulez nous apporter des cupcakes, l'enregistrement de patissiers est par ici.
08 September 2012
Baker Registration Open/Enregistrement de Patissiers Par Ici
All bakers (novice, amateur and professional) are welcome to bring
cupcakes to share with the crowd. Please note, bakers agree to donate their cupcakes to the event organizers; no cupcakes are to be sold by individual participants at Cupcake Camp.
To register, click here
Cupcake Camp Paris ouvre ses portes aux pâtissiers de tout calibre – du professionnel au génie créatif, en passant par l’enthousiaste débutant. Notez bien, les cupcakes emportes par les patissiers ne seront pas à vendre le jour de Cupcake Camp mais à partager avec tout le monde gratuitement.
Pour enregistrer, merci de completer le formulaire ici Photo Credit: Novwiskie
To register, click here
Cupcake Camp Paris ouvre ses portes aux pâtissiers de tout calibre – du professionnel au génie créatif, en passant par l’enthousiaste débutant. Notez bien, les cupcakes emportes par les patissiers ne seront pas à vendre le jour de Cupcake Camp mais à partager avec tout le monde gratuitement.
Pour enregistrer, merci de completer le formulaire ici Photo Credit: Novwiskie
29 August 2012
You can RSVP here for Cupcake Camp Paris III
Cupcake Camp Paris III aura lieu:
samedi, 27 octobre, 2012
Le Comptoir Générale
80 Quai de Jemmapes
75010 Paris
RSVP ici pour Cupcake Camp Paris III
Thanks to/Merci à Christina Smith for our cute poster design!
Cupcake Camp Paris III aura lieu:
samedi, 27 octobre, 2012
Le Comptoir Générale
80 Quai de Jemmapes
75010 Paris
RSVP ici pour Cupcake Camp Paris III
Thanks to/Merci à Christina Smith for our cute poster design!
16 August 2012
Jamais 2 Sans 3
It's Coming! We are proud to announce that Cupcake Camp Paris 3 is coming!!! The date has been tentatively set for Saturday, 27 October. It'll be a special spooky Halloween edition!
As last year, we will be raising funds for Make a Wish France. We have already signed on some amazing sponsors including last year's partners COlunching and Sugar Daze. We are delighted to have Cake & Bake Accessories, Paris Pastry and Sweetly Cakes as new sponsors this year. If your company would be interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact us on cupcakecampparis(at)yahoo(dot)com.
We'll be announcing more details of the event shortly as well as instructions on how to sign up.
Hope to see you there!
Cupcake Camp Paris est de retour! La troisieme edition (special Halloween) aura lieu le samedi, 27 octobre!
Comme l'annee derniere, ca sera une collecte de fondes pour l'association Make a Wish France. Nous sommes ravis d'avoir le soutien de nos partenaires de 2011, COlunching et Sugar Daze. Merci a nos nouvelles partenaires: Cake & Bake Accessories, Paris Pastry et Sweetly Cakes. Si vous etes interessés par un partneriat, contactez-nous sur cupcakecampparis(arobas)yahoo(point)com
Plus de details sur l'evenement bientot dont l'inscription de patissiers et des participants.
En esperant de vous voir au Cupcake Camp Paris III!
Photo Credit: Jamieanne of The Sweetest Kitchen
As last year, we will be raising funds for Make a Wish France. We have already signed on some amazing sponsors including last year's partners COlunching and Sugar Daze. We are delighted to have Cake & Bake Accessories, Paris Pastry and Sweetly Cakes as new sponsors this year. If your company would be interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact us on cupcakecampparis(at)yahoo(dot)com.
We'll be announcing more details of the event shortly as well as instructions on how to sign up.
Hope to see you there!
Cupcake Camp Paris est de retour! La troisieme edition (special Halloween) aura lieu le samedi, 27 octobre!
Comme l'annee derniere, ca sera une collecte de fondes pour l'association Make a Wish France. Nous sommes ravis d'avoir le soutien de nos partenaires de 2011, COlunching et Sugar Daze. Merci a nos nouvelles partenaires: Cake & Bake Accessories, Paris Pastry et Sweetly Cakes. Si vous etes interessés par un partneriat, contactez-nous sur cupcakecampparis(arobas)yahoo(point)com
Plus de details sur l'evenement bientot dont l'inscription de patissiers et des participants.
En esperant de vous voir au Cupcake Camp Paris III!
Photo Credit: Jamieanne of The Sweetest Kitchen
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