Wow! WOW! What a day! 50 bakers, 1600+ cupcakes, 7 contests, 4 hours and more attendees than you could shake a stick at (a little over 250 to be exact)! There are many many many people that need to be thanked:
* The Bakers
* The Sponsors
* The Judges (Marie of MarieLuvPink, Heather of Secrets of Paris, Synie of Synie's Cupcakes, Lindsey of Lost in Cheeseland, Bryan on Where is Bryan & Merce and the Muse, Lynda of Wedding Cakes Avenue, Alisa of Sweet Pea Baking, Kacee & Elizabeth of Le Best of Paris, and Ruthy of Beauty Cakes).
* Mika, Thomas and the team at Bistrot Vivienne
* The Volunteers who pitched in and kept everything running smoothly

And everyone who came out to show their support. We raised over 1200 euros for our charity, Rebuilding Haiti Now.

We hope you enjoyed it. We hope you ate lots of cupcakes!

We have started a Flickr pool where we would love to see any and all pictures taken from the event.

And by the way, we are sorry the contests ran late. The judges were still deliberating at 8PM long after everyone went home. Without further ado, here are the winners....Congratulations all!
Le Best of Paris: Stephane from Rebuilding Haiti Now and his amazing Profiterole cupcakes.
Most American: Josephine and her adorable Red Velvet Cupcakes (that's not Josephine but that is her winning cupcake pictured below).

The Best Cupcake by a Baker Under 16: Sophie and her delicious Orange Butter Bomb cupcakes.
Best Pop Culture Inspired: Cat of Sugar Daze and her sexy Sex & the City inspired Cosmopolitan cupcakes.
Best Summer-Inspired: Nicolette of Cafe Creme and those luscious Verveine Peach cupcakes.

Most Exotic/Unexpected Ingredient : Claudia's "Passion Paradise" which exquisitely combined mango, lemoncurd and cream cheese.
People's Choice: Laila and her mouthwatering Guinness Kisses minis!

And a big congratulations to Sabrina who won our drawing and took home the 177 piece Wilton Ultimate Cake Decorator set!

Thanks again so much to everyone who participated and made this day possible! We look forward to seeing you all next year.......
Wow! WOW! Quelle journee! 50 patissiers, 1600+ cupcakes, 7 concours, 4 heures et beaucoup, beaucoup des invitees (un peu plus de 250 gens)! Il faut d'abord remercier:
Les Patissiers
Les Juges (Marie of MarieLuvPink, Heather of Secrets of Paris, Synie of Synie's Cupcakes, Lindsey of Lost in Cheeseland, Bryan on Where is Bryan & Merce and the Muse, Lynda of Wedding Cakes Avenue, Alisa of Sweet Pea Baking, Kacee & Elizabeth of Le Best of Paris, and Ruthy of Beauty Cakes).
Nos Partenaires
Mika, Thomas et leur equipe au Bistrot Vivienne
Les Volontaires

Et un grand merci a tout ceux et celles qui sont venus. En esperant que vous avez trouve votre bonheur et sont rentres chez vous bien satisfaits par tous les cupcakes degustes! Grace a vous, on fera un don au Rebuilding Haiti Now de plus de 1200 euros.

Nous avons cree un page sur flickr pour partager les photos de Cupcake Camp Paris 2010. SVP ajoutez les votres.

Apres beaucoup de deliberation (et quelques heures de presentation -- desoles pour le retard), on felicite les gagnants de nos concours:
Le Best of Paris: Stephane de Rebuilding Haiti Now et les cupcakes Profiterole.
Le Plus Americain: Josephine et les cupcakes "Rouge Velours" facon USA.
Le Meilleur Cupcake par un patissier de moins de 16 ans: Sophie et les cupcakes Oranges-Bombes de Beurre.
Le Meilleur Pop Culture: Cat de Sugar Daze et les cupcakes Cosmopolitan inspire par Sex & the City.
Le Meilleur Isnpire par l'Ete: Nicolette de Cafe Creme et les cupcakes Verveine-Peche.
Le Cupcake Le Plus Exotique: Les cupcakes "Passion Paradise" de Claudia -- mangue, citron et fromage frais.
Choix de la Publique: Laila et les cupcakes faits avec la biere Guinness!

Et felicitations a Sabrina qui a gagne le tirage au sort pour l'ultime kit "Decoration de Gateau" de Wilton.

Un grand merci a tous les participants et a la prochaine..... :P
Photos Courtesy of Lost in Cheeseland, Island Girl 4Ever, La Mariee aux Pieds Nus, Lady MissMBA,La Petite Tartine and Amy Thomas

**Related Posts:**
Cupcake Camp Paris - Elo les Cupcakes
Cupcake Carnage in Paris - Sweet Freak Meets the Eat in Paris
Cupcakes Here, Cupcakes There, Cupcakes Everywhere - Cafe Creme
Americana in Paris: Cupcake Camp on the 4th of July - France Revisited
Cupcake Camp Paris 2010 - Wheels & Lollipops