Just tallying up the cupcakes and wanted to share with you some of the amazing, creative submissions we have had for the contests to whet your appetite!
First off though, a big thank you to our judges who will include: Lindsey of Lost in Cheeseland, Marie of MarieLUVPink, Ruthy of Beauty Cakes, Lynda of Wedding Cakes Avenue, Heather of Secrets of Paris, Jenny of Icing Works, Synie of Synie's Cupcakes and Bryan of Merce and the Muse!
And now for the entrants:
The Best of Paris/Le Best of Paris
Fig, Lavender, Honey, Goat's Cheese (Figue, Lavande, Miel et chevre)
Matcha Tea with White Chocolate Frosting (the matcha avec glacage au chocolat blanc)
Almond-Fleur d'Oranger (amandes-fleur d'oranger)
Profiterole Cupcake (profiterole)
Cupcakes Choco-Café (chocolate-cafe)
Most Exotic Ingredient/Le Plus Inattendu:
Lemon Date (citron-datte)
Basil (basilic)
Rum, Coffee, Coconut (rhum, cafe, noix de coco)
Guiness Kisses (Guinness)
Passion Paradise: Mango-Passion-Coconut-Lemoncurd (mangue-fruit de la passion- noix de coco-pâte à tartiner au citron)
Saffron-pistachio-screwpine flower (Saffron-Pistache-Pandan)
Coconut-Strawberry (Coco-Fraise)
Basil-Honey (Basilic-miel)
Screwpine flower (Pandan)
Chocolate-Fennel (chocolat-fenouil)
Bitter Chocolate-Raspberry-Tonka Bean (chocolat amer-framboises-feve de tonka)
The Most American/Le Plus Americain:
Chocolate-Almond-Marshamallow (chocolat-amandes-chamallow)
Red Velvet (rouge velours)
Chocolate Cupcakes (chocolat)
Cinnamon-Peanut Butter (cannelle-cacahuetes)
Banana-Marshmallow-Peanut Butter-Chocolate (banane-chamallow-beurre de cacahuetes-chocolat)
Red, white & blue (rouge, blanc, blue)
Summer-Inspired/Inspire par l'Ete:
Vanilla-Vanilla (vanille-vanille)
Banana-Vanilla-Coco (banane-vanille-coco)
"Iced" Mocha (mocha glacee)
Strawberry-Citrus-Lemoncurd (fraise-agrumes-pâte à tartiner au citron)
Sweet Thyming: Lemon-thyme, basil (citron-thym, basilic)
Eden: Mara des Bois (mara des bois)
Rose-Ricotta-Raspberry (rose-ricotta-framboise)
Tomato-Thyme (tomate-thym)
Apricot-Lavender (abricot-lavande)
Verveine-Peach (verviene-peche)
Pop Culture:
Oh Babouchka, Babouchki ya ya ! Chocolat fondant -Chocolat Blanc
Moulin Rouge
Pistache-Raspberry-Chocolat Blanc
Sex & the City; Cosmopolitan
Gaga for Cherry Pie
Woodstock: Tie-dye BN Fraise
When Harry Met Sally: Pecan-Maple Syrup
King of Pop aux 3 Chocolats
People's Choice/Choix de la Publique:
White Chocolate-Violet (chocolate blanc-violette)
White Chocolate-Limoncello (chocolate blanc-limoncello)
Pistachio (pistache)
Indulgent Salted Butter Caramel (caramel au beurre salee)
Guiness Kisses (Guiness)
I am just realizing (several hours after I posted this) that I didn't even talk to you about what these cupcakers are competing for. So without further ado, here are the prizes from our amazing sponsors:
6 baskets of baking supplies from Wilton which include a cake pan from their new line, a frosting gun, various sprinkles and cupcake wrappers. They are also providing a Wall-E baking kit for our young bakers.
6 baskets of baking supplies from ScrapCooking(R) including natural flavorings and food colors, cupcakes liners, assorted sprinkles and their Hello Kitty molds, lollipop sticks and baking papers.
7 baskets of scrapbooking and design products from Ratana.
A 30 euro gift certificate good for a future purchase on the My American Market site.
A picnic basket filled with items to create your own perfect parisian party including the book, "The Best Places to Kiss in Paris" from parisian events.
6 smoothie recipe books and assorted smoothies from innocent.
An assortment of cupcake liners, boxes and other supplies from Icing Works.
Le Best of Paris is offering up some baking chocolates from Christian Constant and a profile of the winner of the "Le Best of Paris" contest on their site.
La Cuisine Paris is offering 1 lucky winner the chance to teach a cupcake baking and decorating class in their professional kitchen.
We have several gift certificates from Paris cupcakers too including a free Savory Cupcake lunch for 2 from Synie's Cupcakes, a box of 6 free Beauty Cakes from Ruthy, and gift certificates good for free cupcakes from Cupcakes & Co.
Little Miss Cupcake is offering a gift pack of Hello, Cupcake! and What's New, Cupcake? cupcakes recipe & idea books.
And last but not least, our hosts, Bistrot Vivienne will be awarding the winner of the People's Choice contest a 1-month contract to sell that cupcake in their take-out store during the month of July!
Okay ladies and gentlemen, on your mark!....
Picture courtesy of clevercupcakes
YUMMMMM!!!!! I'm not eating ANYTHING at all that day until I get there!!!