Le Best of Paris is a website that shares and recommends the best restaurants, gourmet shops, activities for kids, exhibitions, bars, boutiques, cafés, current events, and secret treasures hidden throughout every quartier of Paris. They strive to provide an all-inclusive reference for tourists, expats, the overall English-speaking community in Paris, as well as, local Parisians.
Their website offers an authentic and intimate view of the city allowing people to enhance and share their unique experiences with each other. They are comprised of French and English speaking correspondents and photographers who love the city and are eager to explore the areas around them, capturing the people and culture that makes life so enriching. They offer high-quality content, that is informative, useful, easy to use, navigate, and fun to see and read. They value creating relationships and connections, not with just their users, but also in the surrounding Paris community.
Le Best of Paris also holds local events around the city, so check out their Facebook and Twitter for future information. Also if you have any questions, they are more than happy to assist at info@lebestofparis.com.
Le Best of Paris is excited and look forward to meeting everyone at Cupcake Camp Paris 2010!!
Leur site offre une vue authentique et intime de la ville permettant aux personnes d'améliorer et partager leurs expériences uniques les uns avec les autres.
Ils sont composés de correspondants et photographes de langues maternelles françaises et anglaises qui adorent Paris et explorent les quartiers qui les entourent, saisissant les gens et la culture qui rend la vie si enrichissante.
LebestofParis offre un contenu de haute qualité, instructif, utile, facile à parcouriret utiliser, amusant à regarder et lire. Ils apprécient la création de relations et de connexions non seulement avec leurs utilisateurs mais aussi dans la communauté parisienne.
LebestofParis organise des événements autour de la ville. Afin de vous tenir informé, retrouvez nous sur Facebook et Twitter. Pour toute information complémentaire ils seront heureux de vous aider sur info@lebestofparis.com.
Le Best of Paris est enthousiaste et impatient de vous rencontrer à Cupcake Camp Paris 2010!
I really enjoyed your blog, thanks for sharing.