Hello Cupcakers,
We're 9 days out from Cupcake Camp Paris 2 and we want to remind you that if you haven't signed up for our contests or registered your home-baked cupcakes you will need to do so before we close registration next Thursday.
To read more about our contests and enter one, click here.
If you would like to bring us cupcakes next Sunday, click here.
We look forward to seeing you next week!
Cat, Nicolette & Bryan
Salut les Cupcakers,
C'est J-9 pour le Cupcake Camp Paris 2. Si vous souhaitez participer comme patissier ou dans un de nos concours, il faut enregistrer avant jeudi prochain quand on ferme les listes d'inscription.
Pour les infos concernant la participation dans un de nos concours, cliquez ici.
Si vous souhaitez emporter des cupcakes dimanche prochain, il faut les enregistrer ici.
On hate de vous retrouver le 2 octobre!
Cat, Nicolette & Bryan
ReplyDeleteCan someone make me know how can we participate to this event? For next year :)