We are happy to announce that we have 48 bakers registered and over 1200 cupcakes (that includes minis) coming to Cupcake Camp! A huge thanks to everyone who has committed to bake for us on the 4th.
In the next few days, we will be organizing a schedule to let you know when the contests will happen and what time each baker will be presenting their cupcakes (as well as what flavors you can expect!).
We have over 200 people now RSVPed on Facebook for this event. We had originally thought we would maybe have 60 people maximum attend! We thank everyone who has signed up and agreed to help at Paris' 1st ever Cupcake Camp. We are very excited -- it's only 1 week away -- and we look forward to seeing you all there!
Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer qu'il y aura 48 patissiers presents au Cupcake Camp, et plus de 1200 cupcakes (dont les minis aussi) enregistres! Un grand merci a nos patissiers pour leur participation.
En quelques jours, nous publions un emploi de temps pour l'apres-midi avec tous les infos sur les concours, et les cupcakes (les parfums et l'heure de leur distribution).
Nous avons plus de 200 invites confirmes sur Facebook -- nous le croyons pas! On hate de vous retrouver tous au premier Cupcake Camp Paris (J-7).
Photo courtesy of Bake Me More
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